Thank you for Choosing Tomric

Before you open your new equipment, watch the video below for some helpful tips!

YouTube Video

Receiving and Uncrating Your Equipment

Before unloading your new equipment at your facility, there are a few things you need to know in order to be ready to receive and uncrate your machine. Depending on what equipment you are receiving, the boxes/pallets can be very large and heavy, and we recommend having multiple people or a forklift/pallet jack available during your delivery. If you notice your box is damaged or the tilt indicators have been triggered, refuse the shipment and contact us.

In this video, we demonstrate how to safely and properly uncrate your new equipment. If you have questions or concerns about receiving your delivery or uncrating your equipment, contact your sales representative.

Important Things to Know About your Equipment

Before you start using your new tempering unit, make sure you check out our “getting started” resource page for some useful info to help you make the most of your new equipment. Once you uncrate your machine, you will also notice a postcard in the bowl of your tempering unit that covers some additional information, like why there might be residual chocolate in your brand new equipment. Make sure to read that postcard or visit the link below.

Learn More

Helpful Videos To Get You Started

Whether you have just received your shipment or it is still on the way, we highly encourage you to utilize our video resources to learn more about your machine and how to use it. Some of our most popular videos are below to get you started.  You can also visit our full video library for additional equipment videos.

YouTube Video
YouTube Video
Selmi Startup Guide Installing the Depositing Head


YouTube Video
YouTube Video
Emptying & Cleaning your Machine Setting Up & Using Your Enrober

Get in Touch

If you still have any questions or issues with your delivery, contact our team.

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